Help! I need to get rid of the paci!

Is there something I can use to wean my child from the pacifier?
What do I do about the shape of my child’s jaw and teeth from the pacifier use?
Do I have to wait until my child is older to correct their teeth from pacifier use?
Post Frenectomy Exercise Video for Children Older than 3

After having a lingual frenectomy procedure performed (tongue tie release), it is important to perform exercises to help strengthen the tongue muscle and build oral awareness. This video demonstrates exercises to be performed for 2-4 weeks post procedure. *these exercises are not meant to replace formal therapy by an SLP, OMT or other appropriate functional provider
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy

My goal as a pediatric dentist is to provide comprehensive care to our patients. What I have
learned is that pediatric dentistry is about so much more than just teeth! The way the mouth functions as a whole
determines a lot of how are children grow, develop and function. Some children require a specific therapy
targeted towards optimizes oral function. This therapy is called orofacial myofunctional therapy.