If you are trying to schedule your infant for a tongue tie consultation, please call our office so we can accommodate you ASAP.

9 Healthy Snacks For Children’s Teeth

There are many things that affect good dental health. 9 Healthy Snacks For Kids Teeth! 🥦🍉🥕Which are your family’s favorites?-Yogurt-Popcorn-Nuts-Cheese-Edamame-Nut Butters-Hummus-Raw Fruit-Raw Veggies

What is Pediatric Laser Dentistry

Why Laser Dentistry?
How does a dental laser work?
What are common procedures performed with a dental laser?   
Is a laser safe for my child?

Pediatric dentist vs General “family” dentist – What’s the difference?

If we are just looking at the dentist training, a pediatric dentist has gone through 2-3 years of additional training (after 4 years of dental school) which focuses on infants, children, adolescents and those with special health care needs.  The training is both didactic and clinical, and focuses on how to behaviorally manage children in […]