A frenectomy is a procedure performed to remove the frenulum (a fold of skin beneath the tongue, or between the lip and the gum). A frenectomy (also known as a frenulectomy or frenotomy) is indicated when the skin is interfering with functions such as breastfeeding, solid food eating, speech, airway development, and placement of teeth and/or oral hygiene.
Infants: Poor latch, poor weight gain, wanting to feed frequently, gumming/chewing of the nipple, reflux symptoms, and falling asleep while nursing. Mothers may also experience pain while breastfeeding, cracked/bruised nipples, and poor/incomplete breast drainage after feeding.
At Tanglewood Pediatric Dentistry, we use the function-first model to diagnose our patients. With this model, our patients get a comprehensive assessment prior to determining whether a frenectomy is needed. This eliminates unnecessary procedures.
After a comprehensive consultation of your child, they may be identified as a possible candidate for a frenectomy. We perform this procedure under laser guidance in our office.